Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Suit up and enjoy the heat!

This past few days we have been getting temperatures from 20-28 degrees which is pretty unusual for Wellington! I must say this is also one of my first times dipping into the ocean, showering cold water, and blasting the fan! Though a few people would complain that it can get a little too hot, I on the other hand is pretty happy and loving every bit of it. We don't get this much good weather consecutively, and the fact that we get to enjoy the ocean is already amazing! My agenda every day off is going to the beach. There is something relaxing about it and the water takes all the stress and anxiety away. Think of it as holiday every day!

Since the heat can be a lot stronger, I suggest putting on SPF every now and then. Also if you're tanning, don't stay under the sun far too long! I learned it the hard way when I got my first ever sunburn and it is awful! Other than that, have fun and make the most of summer!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm loving the heat too! And Auckland is even warmer than Welly. I wish we had this weather all year..haha

    1. I honestly think the same thing! But you know enjoy while it lasts! The only thing I don't like is how strong the sun is! lol I could imagine it being way hotter up northHope you're having a great summer! xx
