On the way to the mountain the road is filled with snow and it was -1degree celcius! The road is slippery and scary because its windy and you can see the bottom part of the mountain.
I like how the place is covered with snow. It is so beautiful that we have to stop for a bit and play with the snow. We got all excited about it that the boys ended up snow fighting.
Isaiah and Cuong trying to dodge each others snow ball.
Jack aiming at Terry.
Terry, Jack, and Cuong
Finally we arrived!
Boys with their boards.
Terrence's first fall. Lucky he didn't went straight to the post.
Jack being a pro snow boarder while everyone was falling.
After hundred times of falling in their bum, they decided to just sit and watch hahaha poor kiddos.
It's snowing! But I didnt bother to go outside because it is way too cold.
Addicted to Ninjump and Megajump. These guys!
When we are bout to head off, this is what happened to our car :(. Sadly we used the receipts to take the ice out haha.
That is it for this day. Now we are heading to Rotorua (2hour drive from Ohakune). Great day and its good to see snow since we dont have it in Wellington.
SNOW.. i want to experience it as well HAHA