Tuesday, 4 October 2011

06/29- 07/1 ROTORUA

I saw this mountain when we are on the way to Rotorua. Now this is breath taking! This is one of the reasons why I love roadtrips.

Three days in Rotorua. We didn't really do much in this place apart from the second day where we went to Gondola thing which is located behind our hotel and raced in go kart type of ride and stayed in the motel most of the time.
Sunrise in Rotorua.
I even took a photo of our room number! That's how bored I am.
I love the bed and the place is so cozy and comfortable.

Guys are shopping for their clubbing outfits for Auckland.

 This is the Maori art they have in their city centre. I just have to post it because its so amazing.
Information Centre. 
While deciding what and where to go.
Group photo before racing.
(l-r: Me, Jack, Manh, Terrence, Cuong, Isaiah, Phuong, Sean, Sunny)

Later that day, we had barbeque for dinner, played some cards and just chilled pretty much because its going to be a long day ahead of us. Saving all our energy for Auckland.

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