Sunday, 1 March 2015

iPhone Snaps & Bits: Summer in Brisbane 2015

I'm very grateful and lucky that me and my boyfriend get to go for holiday this summer. It's nice to have a breather from stressful environment. We flew to Brisbane pretty much every year to visit family and friends. This year is the longest we stayed and I love every bit of it! That gives us more time to see everyone and catch up. February is the best time to go to Brisbane as it is not too hot or overly sunny. It can get a little humid though but I guess thats better than having both worlds. 

For our first week, we went to Noosa which is an hour or so which is located in Northern Brisbane. If you are looking for a place to relax, enjoy family time and the beach I would recommend this place over Gold Coast. The place is surrounded by long coast with golden sands and fun little activities like jet-skiing, paddle boarding, etc. Shopping isn't the best thing to do but if you're looking for locally made things then you can though it can get a little pricey. We stayed along Sunshine beach for five days and it was amazing! The house that we stayed at is very cozy, and the best part is the pool! 

Back to the city to meet up with my mum's good friend. We hanged out around Queen Street, did a little shopping and headed to the City Hall Museum. We had a fifteen minute tour of the clock tower and the view is amazing! Also get to see the clock in action but we have to get off before the bells ring as they can be deafening. 

We also took a train ride to visit my best friend and her family in Logan. Such a mission to get there, for one there was a rail maintenance going on so we had to take a bus then another train to get to destination. Can't complain because that's all part of adventure! Travelling by train is fun because I get to enjoy the surroundings.

You're definitely crazy if you have not been to the zoo when in Australia! Kidding me, it the home of everything scary! Not literally but you know snakes, crocs, insects! Honestly you won't appreciate the zoo until you've grown up. It is full of amazing creatures living life differently based on the environment and the people around. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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