If any of you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me post this photo awhile back. On my days off I like to relax, listen to music and read my all time favorite book Chicken Soup for the Soul. Since high school or college (if you're in New Zealand), I have already been a fan of the book. I remember whenever me and my friends would have a tough day, one of us would rush to any bookstore and purchase one of the volumes of the book and read it together. I would cry as I read the inspiring stories that has been compiled in this book. It makes me believe that dreams do come true and that anything is possible if you believe and do it! Well that didn't change at all, up to now I am still reading the exact volume I have bought over a year ago and would find myself tearing. This book always uplifts my mood and get me so inspired into making little change in the way I see life. It has different sections such as achieving your dreams, dealing with parents, work related, positivity, etc. It's a type of book where you can choose what you feel like reading on the days you feel down. All of us have our ups and downs and that's life! Its up to you whether you want to do something to turn it into something positive, or just mourn about it.
What about you? Any inspirational book, song that makes you happy? Leave a comment down below would love to know about it.