Monday, 28 November 2011


It took a lot of drama for us to figure what to do on this fine day. First I got mad because I don't like it when I'm bored and since it's Jack's day off, we have to do something! I can't think when I'm pressured so I let him decide what would be our agenda that day. So here is what we did that day....

Mini golfing is fun.


This place is close to Landfill which is located somewhere along Owhiro Road. It is so cool because everything is recycled including the golf sticks and balls.Their office is also made of  wood scraps and window frames which I thought is amazing! Sad to say I don't have any photo of the whole place, maybe next time when I stopped by again. I love the metal sculptures around the place! It makes it more fun and very inviting. If you get a chance to go to Wellington and interested in artsy stuff i.e. sculptures, I would recommend you to visit this place!


  1. This is so amazing Camie! Mini golfing sure looks fun! Is the place affordable? I dunno bout here but we could use mini golfing here. Probably it's on the pricey side cause not everyone's into it.\

    Nice post! I'm inspired to get back to blogging. :)

  2. It's very affordable babe! There's only 22 holes though but challenging haha. It only costs $12 to play for adult and i think $5 or $10 for kids. The thing that I liked the most is the metal sculptures!!! Definitely worth going!
