Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Road trip on Holy week

I've been wanting to post this trip but I couldn't find a free time. Finally I did! So here is the photos of our road trip.

Destination: Castlepoint, Masterton, New Zealand

I and my friends have been wanting to go for a road trip since its holidays. We are meant to stay in for a couple of days but places we looked at are fully booked so we decided to take a one day trip to Masterton which is 1 hour and 45minutes away from Wellington. I personally suggested this place because it is located at the coastal area of North Island also has a spectacular view from any angle you are standing. It is good to come and chill in this place during summer. We left a little late as my friend took so long to sort out the van that we're hiring. The weather before we left was awful but thankfully when we got there it was warm and sunny.

The pathway to the lighthouse. behind that hill, the view is amazing!
The beach view where vacation houses and residence houses are located.

These three are being silly, trying to hide behind the rock. 

 This random dog wouldn't leave our bench. He is such a cutie and a very sweet dog.

 Linda and Jack trying to fist fight. We all know who's going to win!

Love the pose hahaha.

Jack is trying to drink from that broken pipe!
The Group I'm with. (L-R Jack, Lois, Linda, Ratha, Sophery, Virak)

Us girls (L-R Ratha, Sophery, Lois, Linda, Me)

The whole trip was fun except for the zigzaggy road that made most of us sick. It was a great adventure and I wanna do this every holiday :).

P.S Sorry because not all photos are edited.

xx Camelasin

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